blob: 774a2efdae030dd08091a89a29016f2225eb23f2 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
class SortTest<R extends Comparable<R>> implements Comparable<SortTest<R>> {
R r;
public SortTest(R r) {
this.r = r;
public int compareTo(SortTest<R> o) {
return r.compareTo(o.r);
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<SortTest<?>> list = new ArrayList<SortTest<?>>();
SortTest<?> t1 = new SortTest<String>("");
SortTest<?> t2 = new SortTest<Integer>(0);
<error descr="Inferred type 'SortTest<?>' for type parameter 'T' is not within its bound; should implement 'java.lang.Comparable<? super SortTest<?>>'">Collections.sort(list)</error>;
t1.compareTo<error descr="'compareTo(SortTest<capture<? extends java.lang.Comparable<capture<?>>>>)' in 'SortTest' cannot be applied to '(SortTest<capture<?>>)'">(t2)</error>;
//this should be OK
SortTest<?>[] arr = new SortTest<?>[0];
arr[0] = new SortTest<String>("");