blob: 6e659ccbcd3d6aacc8bd39651c1a007b4b40ad13 [file] [log] [blame]
<html-property-table baseHelpRef="">
<tag name = "mi"
helpref = "#mi"
description = "represents a mathematical identifier; its rendering consists of the text content displayed in a typeface corresponding to the mathvariant attribute"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "mn"
helpref = "#mn"
description = "represents a numeric literal or other data that should be rendered as a numeric literal"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "mo"
helpref = "#mo"
description = "represents an operator or anything that should be rendered as an operator"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "mtext"
helpref = "#mtext"
description = "intended to denote commentary text"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "mspace"
helpref = "#mspace"
description = "represents a blank space of any desired size, as set by its attributes"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "true"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "ms"
helpref = "#ms"
description = "used to represent string literals in expressions meant to be interpreted by computer algebra systems or other systems containing programming languages"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "mfrac"
helpref = "#mfrac"
description = "used for fractions"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "msqrt"
helpref = "#msqrt"
description = "used for square roots"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "mroot"
helpref = "#mroot"
description = "used to draw radicals with indices"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "merror"
helpref = "#merror"
description = "displays its contents as an error message"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "mphantom"
helpref = "#mphantom"
description = "renders its content as invisible, but with the same size and other dimensions, including baseline position, that its contents would have if they were rendered normally"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "mfenced"
helpref = "#mfenced"
description = "provides a convenient way of expressing common constructs involving fences (i.e., braces, brackets, and parentheses)"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "menclose"
helpref = "#menclose"
description = "renders its content inside the enclosing notation specified by its notation attribute, menclose accepts any number of arguments"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "msup"
helpref = "#msup"
description = "used to attach a superscript to a base"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "msubsup"
helpref = "#msubsup"
description = "used to attach both a subscript and a superscript to a base expression"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "munder"
helpref = "#munder"
description = "used to attach an underscript below a base"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "mover"
helpref = "#mover"
description = "used to attach an overscript over a base"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "munderover"
helpref = "#munderover"
description = "used to attach both an underscript and an overscript to a base"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "mmultiscripts"
helpref = "#mmultiscripts"
description = "allows adding pairs of prescripts to one base expression"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "mtable"
helpref = "#mtable"
description = "a matrix or table is specified using the mtable element"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "mtr"
helpref = "#mtr"
description = "represents one row in a table or matrix"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "mtd"
helpref = "#mtd"
description = "represents one entry, or cell, in a table or matrix"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "mrow"
helpref = "#mrow"
description = "used to add operator before last operand in elementary math notations such as 2D addition, subtraction and multiplication"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "mlongdiv"
helpref = "#mlongdiv"
description = "elementary math notations for long division can be produced using mlongdiv layout schemata"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "maction"
helpref = "#maction"
description = "to provide a mechanism for binding actions to expressions, MathML provides the maction element"
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""
<tag name = "semantics"
helpref = "#semantics"
description = ""
startTag = "true"
endTag = "true"
empty = "false"
dtd = ""