blob: ba47b40fdd8515c7a58e1675cc2591add6db1532 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- ...................................................................... -->
<!-- XHTML Base Element Module ........................................... -->
<!-- file: xhtml-base-1.mod
This is XHTML, a reformulation of HTML as a modular XML application.
Copyright 1998-2005 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
Revision: $Id: xhtml-base-1.mod,v 4.0 2001/04/02 22:42:49 altheim Exp $ SMI
This DTD module is identified by the PUBLIC and SYSTEM identifiers:
PUBLIC "-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Base Element 1.0//EN"
....................................................................... -->
<!-- Base element
This module declares the base element type and its attributes,
used to define a base URI against which relative URIs in the
document will be resolved.
Note that this module also redeclares the content model for
the head element to include the base element.
<!-- base: Document Base URI ........................... -->
<!ENTITY % base.element "INCLUDE" >
<!ENTITY % base.content "EMPTY" >
<!ENTITY % base.qname "base" >
<!ELEMENT %base.qname; %base.content; >
<!-- end of base.element -->]]>
<!ENTITY % base.attlist "INCLUDE" >
<!ATTLIST %base.qname;
href %URI.datatype; #REQUIRED
<!-- end of base.attlist -->]]>
<!ENTITY % head.content
"( %HeadOpts.mix;,
( ( %title.qname;, %HeadOpts.mix;, ( %base.qname;, %HeadOpts.mix; )? )
| ( %base.qname;, %HeadOpts.mix;, ( %title.qname;, %HeadOpts.mix; ))))"
<!-- end of xhtml-base-1.mod -->