blob: 06585d96644b61e0d6a3552dc36d17c00e513156 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package git4idea.status;
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileDocumentManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.LocalFileSystem;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile;
import com.intellij.util.PairProcessor;
import com.intellij.util.containers.Convertor;
import git4idea.GitContentRevision;
import git4idea.GitRevisionNumber;
import git4idea.GitUtil;
import git4idea.GitVcs;
import git4idea.changes.GitChangeUtils;
import git4idea.commands.Git;
import git4idea.config.GitVersion;
import git4idea.config.GitVersionSpecialty;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.*;
* Git repository change provider
public class GitChangeProvider implements ChangeProvider {
private static final Logger PROFILE_LOG = Logger.getInstance("#GitStatus");
@NotNull private final Project myProject;
@NotNull private final Git myGit;
@NotNull private final ChangeListManager myChangeListManager;
@NotNull private final FileDocumentManager myFileDocumentManager;
@NotNull private final ProjectLevelVcsManager myVcsManager;
public GitChangeProvider(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull Git git, ChangeListManager changeListManager,
@NotNull FileDocumentManager fileDocumentManager, @NotNull ProjectLevelVcsManager vcsManager) {
myProject = project;
myGit = git;
myChangeListManager = changeListManager;
myFileDocumentManager = fileDocumentManager;
myVcsManager = vcsManager;
public void getChanges(final VcsDirtyScope dirtyScope,
final ChangelistBuilder builder,
final ProgressIndicator progress,
final ChangeListManagerGate addGate) throws VcsException {
final GitVcs vcs = GitVcs.getInstance(myProject);
if (vcs == null) {
// already disposed or not yet initialized => ignoring
appendNestedVcsRootsToDirt(dirtyScope, vcs, myVcsManager);
final Collection<VirtualFile> affected = dirtyScope.getAffectedContentRoots();
Collection<VirtualFile> roots = GitUtil.gitRootsForPaths(affected);
try {
final MyNonChangedHolder holder = new MyNonChangedHolder(myProject, dirtyScope.getDirtyFilesNoExpand(), addGate,
myFileDocumentManager, myVcsManager);
for (VirtualFile root : roots) {
debug("checking root: " + root.getPath());
GitChangesCollector collector = isNewGitChangeProviderAvailable()
? GitNewChangesCollector.collect(myProject, myGit, myChangeListManager, myVcsManager,
vcs, dirtyScope, root)
: GitOldChangesCollector.collect(myProject, myChangeListManager, myVcsManager,
vcs, dirtyScope, root);
final Collection<Change> changes = collector.getChanges();
for (Change file : changes) {
debug("process change: " + ChangesUtil.getFilePath(file).getPath());
builder.processChange(file, GitVcs.getKey());
for (VirtualFile f : collector.getUnversionedFiles()) {
catch (VcsException e) {;
// most probably the error happened because git is not configured
public static void appendNestedVcsRootsToDirt(final VcsDirtyScope dirtyScope, GitVcs vcs, final ProjectLevelVcsManager vcsManager) {
final Set<FilePath> recursivelyDirtyDirectories = dirtyScope.getRecursivelyDirtyDirectories();
if (recursivelyDirtyDirectories.isEmpty()) {
final LocalFileSystem lfs = LocalFileSystem.getInstance();
final Set<VirtualFile> rootsUnderGit = new HashSet<VirtualFile>(Arrays.asList(vcsManager.getRootsUnderVcs(vcs)));
final Set<VirtualFile> inputColl = new HashSet<VirtualFile>(rootsUnderGit);
final Set<VirtualFile> existingInScope = new HashSet<VirtualFile>();
for (FilePath dir : recursivelyDirtyDirectories) {
VirtualFile vf = dir.getVirtualFile();
if (vf == null) {
vf = lfs.findFileByIoFile(dir.getIOFile());
if (vf == null) {
vf = lfs.refreshAndFindFileByIoFile(dir.getIOFile());
if (vf != null) {
FileUtil.removeAncestors(inputColl, new Convertor<VirtualFile, String>() {
public String convert(VirtualFile o) {
return o.getPath();
}, new PairProcessor<VirtualFile, VirtualFile>() {
public boolean process(VirtualFile parent, VirtualFile child) {
if (! existingInScope.contains(child) && existingInScope.contains(parent)) {
debug("adding git root for check: " + child.getPath());
((VcsModifiableDirtyScope)dirtyScope).addDirtyDirRecursively(new FilePathImpl(child));
return true;
private boolean isNewGitChangeProviderAvailable() {
GitVcs vcs = GitVcs.getInstance(myProject);
if (vcs == null) {
return false;
final GitVersion version = vcs.getVersion();
return GitVersionSpecialty.KNOWS_STATUS_PORCELAIN.existsIn(version);
* Common debug logging method for all Git status related operations.
* Primarily used for measuring performance and tracking calls to heavy methods.
public static void debug(String message) {
private static class MyNonChangedHolder {
private final Project myProject;
private final Set<FilePath> myDirty;
private final ChangeListManagerGate myAddGate;
private FileDocumentManager myFileDocumentManager;
private ProjectLevelVcsManager myVcsManager;
private MyNonChangedHolder(final Project project,
final Set<FilePath> dirty,
final ChangeListManagerGate addGate,
FileDocumentManager fileDocumentManager, ProjectLevelVcsManager vcsManager) {
myProject = project;
myDirty = dirty;
myAddGate = addGate;
myFileDocumentManager = fileDocumentManager;
myVcsManager = vcsManager;
public void changed(final Collection<Change> changes) {
for (Change change : changes) {
final FilePath beforePath = ChangesUtil.getBeforePath(change);
if (beforePath != null) {
final FilePath afterPath = ChangesUtil.getBeforePath(change);
if (afterPath != null) {
public void unversioned(final VirtualFile vf) {
// NB: There was an exception that happened several times: vf == null.
// Populating myUnversioned in the ChangeCollector makes nulls not possible in myUnversioned,
// so proposing that the exception was fixed.
// More detailed analysis will be needed in case the exception appears again. 2010-12-09.
myDirty.remove(new FilePathImpl(vf));
public void feedBuilder(final ChangelistBuilder builder) throws VcsException {
final VcsKey gitKey = GitVcs.getKey();
for (FilePath filePath : myDirty) {
final VirtualFile vf = filePath.getVirtualFile();
if (vf != null) {
if ((myAddGate.getStatus(vf) == null) && myFileDocumentManager.isFileModified(vf)) {
final VirtualFile root = myVcsManager.getVcsRootFor(vf);
if (root != null) {
final GitRevisionNumber beforeRevisionNumber = GitChangeUtils.resolveReference(myProject, root, "HEAD");
builder.processChange(new Change(GitContentRevision.createRevision(vf, beforeRevisionNumber, myProject),
GitContentRevision.createRevision(vf, null, myProject), FileStatus.MODIFIED), gitKey);
public boolean isModifiedDocumentTrackingRequired() {
return true;
public void doCleanup(final List<VirtualFile> files) {