tree: ec4079d4693c20ad207b9864c1cc4532c175d1e1 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .vscode/
  2. .gitignore
  3. bot.code-workspace

Emulator Build Script

This directory contains the emulator build scripts. These build scripts are usually invoked from the android build system when:

  • A presubmit run is requested: Triggered when a developer sends out a review for any of the registered dependent branches.

  • Post submit run is requested: Triggered when any of the branches in the manifest has received a new change.

The main script that is invoked is


The emulator build system has support for sccache.

sccache is a ccache-like compiler caching tool. It is used as a compiler wrapper and avoids compilation when possible, storing cached results either on local disk or in one of several cloud storage backends.

The build scripts will configure try to configure sccache as follows:

  • When running in GCE:

    The gs://emu-dev-sccache bucket will be used to store results. This bucket is only accessible from within google cloud projects.

    The default service account associated with the instance must be given the following bucket permissions:

    • Storage Object Creator
    • Storage Object Viewer

    Both the windows and linux builders will use this configuration.

  • When running in corp network :

    A redis cache instance will be used. A redis service running in the emu-dev-cts project will be used to serve cache requests.

    The mac build bots will use this configuration.

  • When running locally:

    A local cache will be used.

Both the gce and redis backend act as a distributed cache.

At the end of the build you will see status report:

01:41:14(15:13.12) scc | /buildbot/src/android/emu-master-dev $> /buildbot/src/android/emu-master-dev/prebuilts/android-emulator-build/common/sccache/linux-x86_64/sccache --stop-server
01:41:14(15:13.67) scc | ============================================================================================================================================
01:41:14(15:13.84) scc | Stopping sccache server...
01:41:14(15:13.80) scc | Compile requests                  10579
01:41:14(15:13.63) scc | Compile requests executed         10553
01:41:14(15:13.17) scc | Cache hits                         8761
01:41:14(15:13.88) scc | Cache hits (C/C++)                 8761
01:41:14(15:13.39) scc | Cache misses                       1792
01:41:14(15:13.3 ) scc | Cache misses (C/C++)               1792
01:41:14(15:13.61) scc | Cache timeouts                        0
01:41:14(15:13.17) scc | Cache read errors                     0
01:41:14(15:13.72) scc | Forced recaches                       0
01:41:14(15:13.27) scc | Cache write errors                    0
01:41:14(15:13.81) scc | Compilation failures                  0
01:41:14(15:13.42) scc | Build completed!
01:41:14(15:13.70) scc | Cache errors                          0
01:41:14(15:13.50) scc | Non-cacheable compilations            0
01:41:14(15:13.15) scc | Non-cacheable calls                  26
01:41:14(15:13.4 ) scc | Non-compilation calls                 0
01:41:14(15:13.10) scc | Unsupported compiler calls            0
01:41:14(15:13.63) scc | Average cache write               0.985 s
01:41:14(15:13.18) scc | Average cache read miss           0.985 s
01:41:14(15:13.67) scc | Average cache read hit            0.000 s
01:41:14(15:13.19) scc | Failed distributed compilations       0
01:41:14(15:13.74) scc | 
01:41:14(15:13.17) scc | Non-cacheable reasons:
01:41:14(15:13.72) scc | unknown source language              26
01:41:14(15:13.24) scc | 
01:41:14(15:13.66) scc | Cache location                  GCS, bucket: Bucket(name=emu-dev-sccache), key_prefix: (none)

Here is a sample of the improvements you get from the cache:


Debugging Cache Performance

You can analyze cache misses by changing the line: self.env["SCCACHE_LOG"] = "info" to self.env["SCCACHE_LOG"] = "debug"


After a completed build you should see the file sccache.log in the artifacts that contains detailed information about the cache behavior.

Look for lines containing CannotCache, and see if there are any flags that are not supported by sccache.

Broken Cache

If you suspect that builds are failing due to a broken cache you simply:

    gsutil -m rm -a gs://emu-dev-sccache/**
  • Restart the docker container sscache-emu-dev:
    gcloud compute ssh --zone "us-west1-b" "sccache-emu-dev"  --project "emu-dev-cts"
    docker stop sccache-redis 
    docker rm sccache-redis
    docker run -d -p 443:6379 -v /home/redis:/usr/local/etc/redis --name sccache-redis  redis redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf