Android 7.1.2 release 18
make_ext4fs: add option to specify the number of inodes [DO NOT MERGE]

Add option to specify the number of inodes to create when
making the filesystem.  Read-only partitions don't have
a need for extra inodes, a lot of space is wasted by these

Bug: 32246383
Bug: 33252070
Bug: 33428604
Test: make vendor partition with new options
Change-Id: I7063972ec4f4e617d28d2e029ad6a9f8e94add73
(cherry picked from commit 15c434682ac78262d2dad9730805eab52b748cdf)
(cherry picked from commit 7842cd2b1454fb9d4440838b119b99c35b55734b)
1 file changed