Update ART dependencies prebuilts.

Taken from branch aosp-master, target mainline_modules_sdks-userdebug, build 9323478.

CL prepared by prebuilts/runtime/mainline/update.py.

* Before running prebuilts/runtime/mainline/update.py, I commented out
  everything but `install_bundled_sdk_entries("runtime", "sdk")` in

I manually reverted:
* Parts of mainline/platform/sdk/Android.bp not related to new perfetto
  SDK changes
* All .so and .a updates for all architectures and libcs, except for the
  `*perfetto*.a`. Most of these were stubs. (libcap, liblog, )
* All header changes not part of the perfetto sdk (libcap, liblog,
  native libbinder, libnativehelper).

This is done so that we can use `perfetto::Tracing::ActivateTriggers()`
from java hprof.

This is a cherry-pick of https://r.android.com/2318671 to fix Perfetto prebuilts after https://googleplex-android-review.git.corp.google.com/q/topic:%22art-oome-m-2023-05%22. It's only used on mainline-art-dev, which is a thin manifest that's currently only used to test the ART module with prebuilts. It's not used to build any module on tm-mainline-prod.

Bug: 260237686
Test: Presubmits
Change-Id: I3429d9eb1d9c7b4a8b258bd765c728875de0e953
(cherry picked from https://android-review.googlesource.com/q/commit:291e75db6012c53d758a9c8e6b0a2a83ba2868ea)
Merged-In: I3429d9eb1d9c7b4a8b258bd765c728875de0e953
547 files changed