AI 145854: am: CL 145547 - make the default build configuration to *not* include the IM app, and don't show the
  IM landing page activity. Override the kila_us build (in tmus_overlay) to include the
  IM app and enable the landing page activity.
  this is in response to Keva asking to take IM app out of Opal. The result is that
  only Kila_us build has IM app. Since it's the only, it seems reasonable to make the
  default *not* include IM app.
  - clean up some old obsolete stuff in the mk files. GTalkSettings isn't present anymore
  and was never present in 1.0 release.
  Original author: weih
  Merged from: //branches/cupcake/...

Automated import of CL 145854
1 file changed
tree: 4511b9a800e6fba347f97ca9b82a925bdbe83704
  1. res/
  2. src/
  4. AndroidManifest.xml