Android Wear N Preview 1 (NVD36H)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'goog/ub-calculator-algebra'

* goog/ub-calculator-algebra:
  Invoke View#performLongClick()
  Don't use Google proprietary launcher icon
  Add styles.xml for sw360dp-long-port.
  Allow clear if unprocessed chars
  Show/Hide Toolbar
  Persist "inv" selected state
  Tap to open/close advanced pad
  Always calculate textSize in CalculatorText#onMeasure
  Tune colors for accessibility
  Correctly set formula text size after rotation
  Fix factorial(0)
  Correct behavior with erroneous pasted text
  Account for scale in ActionMode.Callback2#onGetContentRect
  Cancel in-progress computations before saving state
  Cleanup of timeout handling and message
  Implicitly clear on incomplete keyboard input
  Generalize % operator: Handle 100+10% as expected
  Check for decimal point after adding ellipsis
  Announce when formula has been completely deleted.
  Don't evaluate a lone decimal point to zero

Change-Id: I0af8e069b7b538d28f2a424986e13acf3fe1281a