Flush decoder output intead of ISV output to framework

BUG: 23150939

ISV output buffer is very limited, it is 10 buffers (time stamp is 60fps after FRC).
The buffers to be displayed is in short if we flush ISV output buffers out during
framework/decoer reset in adaptive playback.

Decoder output buffer are around 20 (time stamp is 24/30 before FRC), we flush it out
to dispaly during framework/decoder reset in the adaptive playback.

Speed up the whole OMX decoder (deocder + ISV) start up process by output as quickly as
we can to avoid video jiter on resolution change of adaptive playback.

Note: temporarily don't make the flushing mechanism work for low resolution videos.

Change-Id: I308b1745f98a9df0c68e415496b2369a8a0f6914
Signed-off-by: Xigui Wang <xigui.wang@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Haitao Ding <haitao.ding@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Lily Ouyang <lily.ouyang@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Austin Hu <austin.hu@intel.com>
2 files changed
tree: 0f4d37f22cc34e25c8a5f6f5816e5523a1712f10
  1. ISV/
  2. ituxd/
  3. media_resource_manager/