Android Wear O Preview 3 (Android O Beta 2)
cil: allow typepermissive on platform public types

Currently, adding a permissive statement on a platform public type
is not allowed, and throws the following build error:
typepermissive contains platform public type: kernel (line 879) .

This is problematic, when you have a single domain preventing
enabling the global enforcement mode. It would be better to
keep the type permissive on that single domain and have enforcement
turned on for others. Additionally, the permissive domain check is
run on user build variants, so some sanity checking of it's usage
occurs, including during CTS. Kill this check and allow it.

Test: add a permissive kernel to device policy and build, boot hikey.

Signed-off-by: William Roberts <>

(cherry picked from commit c4f2da434369e95184506ba4ef16da730f628f01)

Change-Id: Ia54a099ae022eb35145758bbde44a179a0d43ade
1 file changed