don't include liblog to APEXes

liblog is a platform library that provides stable C API. There is no
need to include the library, especialy by statically linking to it, in
any APEX. It not only wastes the storage/ram, but also is incorrect
because the socket interface to logd which is implemented in liblog is
not guaranteed to be stable.

Fixing this issue by converting static_libs: ["liblog"] into
shared_libs: ["liblog"], in which case the dependency to the library
is satisfied via the stub variant of the library.

Bug: 151051671
Test: m
Merged-In: I495bfb4babdefff75bf66525743d2abbb3800ff2
(cherry picked from commit 1b593abb71205de6c5e8b8a8fbf9695bf84c7799)
Change-Id: I495bfb4babdefff75bf66525743d2abbb3800ff2
1 file changed