blob: 870b66ba37a7ed8b211dab5ffb17eb0c1119e25e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import unittest
from telemetry.timeline import async_slice
from telemetry.timeline import model as model_module
from telemetry.timeline import slice as slice_module
from telemetry.web_perf import timeline_interaction_record as tir_module
class ParseTests(unittest.TestCase):
def testParse(self):
class TimelineInteractionRecordTests(unittest.TestCase):
def CreateSimpleRecordWithName(self, event_name):
s = async_slice.AsyncSlice(
'cat', event_name,
timestamp=0, duration=200, thread_start=20, thread_duration=100)
return tir_module.TimelineInteractionRecord.FromAsyncEvent(s)
def CreateTestSliceFromTimeRanges(
self, parent_thread, time_start, time_end, thread_start, thread_end):
duration = time_end - time_start
thread_duration = thread_end - thread_start
return slice_module.Slice(parent_thread, 'Test', 'foo', time_start,
duration, thread_start, thread_duration)
def testCreate(self):
r = self.CreateSimpleRecordWithName('Interaction.LogicalName')
self.assertEquals('LogicalName', r.label)
self.assertEquals(False, r.repeatable)
r = self.CreateSimpleRecordWithName('Interaction.LogicalName/repeatable')
self.assertEquals('LogicalName', r.label)
self.assertEquals(True, r.repeatable)
r = self.CreateSimpleRecordWithName(
self.assertEquals('LogicalNameWith/Slash', r.label)
self.assertEquals(True, r.repeatable)
def testGetJavaScriptMarker(self):
repeatable_marker = tir_module.GetJavaScriptMarker(
'MyLabel', [tir_module.REPEATABLE])
self.assertEquals('Interaction.MyLabel/repeatable', repeatable_marker)
def testGetOverlappedThreadTimeForSliceInSameThread(self):
# Create a renderer thread.
model = model_module.TimelineModel()
renderer_main = model.GetOrCreateProcess(1).GetOrCreateThread(2)
# Make a record that starts at 30ms and ends at 60ms in thread time.
s = async_slice.AsyncSlice(
'cat', 'Interaction.Test',
timestamp=0, duration=200, start_thread=renderer_main,
end_thread=renderer_main, thread_start=30, thread_duration=30)
record = tir_module.TimelineInteractionRecord.FromAsyncEvent(s)
# Non overlapped range on the left of event.
s1 = self.CreateTestSliceFromTimeRanges(renderer_main, 0, 100, 10, 20)
self.assertEquals(0, record.GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSlice(s1))
# Non overlapped range on the right of event.
s2 = self.CreateTestSliceFromTimeRanges(renderer_main, 0, 100, 70, 90)
self.assertEquals(0, record.GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSlice(s2))
# Overlapped range on the left of event.
s3 = self.CreateTestSliceFromTimeRanges(renderer_main, 0, 100, 20, 50)
self.assertEquals(20, record.GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSlice(s3))
# Overlapped range in the middle of event.
s4 = self.CreateTestSliceFromTimeRanges(renderer_main, 0, 100, 40, 50)
self.assertEquals(10, record.GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSlice(s4))
# Overlapped range on the left of event.
s5 = self.CreateTestSliceFromTimeRanges(renderer_main, 0, 100, 50, 90)
self.assertEquals(10, record.GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSlice(s5))
def testRepr(self):
# Create a renderer thread.
model = model_module.TimelineModel()
renderer_main = model.GetOrCreateProcess(1).GetOrCreateThread(2)
s = async_slice.AsyncSlice(
'cat', 'Interaction.Test/repeatable',
timestamp=0, duration=200, start_thread=renderer_main,
end_thread=renderer_main, thread_start=30, thread_duration=30)
record = tir_module.TimelineInteractionRecord.FromAsyncEvent(s)
expected_repr = (
'TimelineInteractionRecord(label=\'Test\', '
'start=0.000000, end=200.000000, flags=repeatable, '
' start=0.000000, duration=200, thread_start=30, thread_duration=30))')
self.assertEquals(expected_repr, repr(record))
def testGetOverlappedThreadTimeForSliceInDifferentThread(self):
# Create a renderer thread and another thread.
model = model_module.TimelineModel()
renderer_main = model.GetOrCreateProcess(1).GetOrCreateThread(2)
another_thread = model.GetOrCreateProcess(1).GetOrCreateThread(3)
# Make a record that starts at 50ms and ends at 150ms in wall time, and is
# scheduled 75% of the time (hence thread_duration = 100ms*75% = 75ms).
s = async_slice.AsyncSlice(
'cat', 'Interaction.Test',
timestamp=50, duration=100, start_thread=renderer_main,
end_thread=renderer_main, thread_start=55, thread_duration=75)
record = tir_module.TimelineInteractionRecord.FromAsyncEvent(s)
# Non overlapped range on the left of event.
s1 = self.CreateTestSliceFromTimeRanges(another_thread, 25, 40, 28, 30)
self.assertEquals(0, record.GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSlice(s1))
# Non overlapped range on the right of event.
s2 = self.CreateTestSliceFromTimeRanges(another_thread, 200, 300, 270, 290)
self.assertEquals(0, record.GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSlice(s2))
# Overlapped range on the left of event, and slice is scheduled 50% of the
# time.
# The overlapped wall-time duration is 50ms.
# The overlapped thread-time duration is 50ms * 75% * 50% = 18.75
s3 = self.CreateTestSliceFromTimeRanges(another_thread, 0, 100, 20, 70)
self.assertEquals(18.75, record.GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSlice(s3))
# Overlapped range in the middle of event, and slice is scheduled 20% of the
# time.
# The overlapped wall-time duration is 40ms.
# The overlapped thread-time duration is 40ms * 75% * 20% = 6
s4 = self.CreateTestSliceFromTimeRanges(another_thread, 100, 140, 120, 128)
self.assertEquals(6, record.GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSlice(s4))
# Overlapped range on the left of event, and slice is scheduled 100% of the
# time.
# The overlapped wall-time duration is 32ms.
# The overlapped thread-time duration is 32ms * 75% * 100% = 24
s5 = self.CreateTestSliceFromTimeRanges(another_thread, 118, 170, 118, 170)
self.assertEquals(24, record.GetOverlappedThreadTimeForSlice(s5))