blob: cc9f2400a9abdb6d3d14f0c4060c4f5ae55fb6ad [file] [log] [blame]
# Status: being ported by Vladimir Prus
# TODO: need to re-compare with mainline of .jam
# Base revision: 40480
# (C) Copyright David Abrahams 2002. Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and
# distribute this software is granted provided this copyright notice appears in
# all copies. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
# warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
feature =
from b2.util.utility import *
import as property_set
def expand_no_defaults (property_sets):
""" Expand the given build request by combining all property_sets which don't
specify conflicting non-free features.
# First make all features and subfeatures explicit
expanded_property_sets = [ps.expand_subfeatures() for ps in property_sets]
# Now combine all of the expanded property_sets
product = __x_product (expanded_property_sets)
return [property_set.create(p) for p in product]
def __x_product (property_sets):
""" Return the cross-product of all elements of property_sets, less any
that would contain conflicting values for single-valued features.
x_product_seen = set()
return __x_product_aux (property_sets, x_product_seen)[0]
def __x_product_aux (property_sets, seen_features):
"""Returns non-conflicting combinations of property sets.
property_sets is a list of PropertySet instances. seen_features is a set of Property
Returns a tuple of:
- list of lists of Property instances, such that within each list, no two Property instance
have the same feature, and no Property is for feature in seen_features.
- set of features we saw in property_sets
if not property_sets:
return ([], set())
properties = property_sets[0].all()
these_features = set()
for p in property_sets[0].non_free():
# Note: the algorithm as implemented here, as in original Jam code, appears to
# detect conflicts based on features, not properties. For example, if command
# line build request say:
# <a>1/<b>1 c<1>/<b>1
# It will decide that those two property sets conflict, because they both specify
# a value for 'b' and will not try building "<a>1 <c1> <b1>", but rather two
# different property sets. This is a topic for future fixing, maybe.
if these_features & seen_features:
(inner_result, inner_seen) = __x_product_aux(property_sets[1:], seen_features)
return (inner_result, inner_seen | these_features)
result = []
(inner_result, inner_seen) = __x_product_aux(property_sets[1:], seen_features | these_features)
if inner_result:
for inner in inner_result:
result.append(properties + inner)
if inner_seen & these_features:
# Some of elements in property_sets[1:] conflict with elements of property_sets[0],
# Try again, this time omitting elements of property_sets[0]
(inner_result2, inner_seen2) = __x_product_aux(property_sets[1:], seen_features)
return (result, inner_seen | these_features)
def looks_like_implicit_value(v):
"""Returns true if 'v' is either implicit value, or
the part before the first '-' symbol is implicit value."""
if feature.is_implicit_value(v):
return 1
split = v.split("-")
if feature.is_implicit_value(split[0]):
return 1
return 0
def from_command_line(command_line):
"""Takes the command line tokens (such as taken from ARGV rule)
and constructs build request from it. Returns a list of two
lists. First is the set of targets specified in the command line,
and second is the set of requested build properties."""
targets = []
properties = []
for e in command_line:
if e[0] != "-":
# Build request spec either has "=" in it, or completely
# consists of implicit feature values.
if e.find("=") != -1 or looks_like_implicit_value(e.split("/")[0]):
properties += convert_command_line_element(e)
return [targets, properties]
# Converts one element of command line build request specification into
# internal form.
def convert_command_line_element(e):
result = None
parts = e.split("/")
for p in parts:
m = p.split("=")
if len(m) > 1:
feature = m[0]
values = m[1].split(",")
lresult = [("<%s>%s" % (feature, v)) for v in values]
lresult = p.split(",")
if p.find('-') == -1:
# FIXME: first port property.validate
# property.validate cannot handle subfeatures,
# so we avoid the check here.
#for p in lresult:
# property.validate(p)
if not result:
result = lresult
result = [e1 + "/" + e2 for e1 in result for e2 in lresult]
return [property_set.create( for r in result]
### rule __test__ ( )
### {
### import assert feature ;
### feature.prepare-test build-request-test-temp ;
### import build-request ;
### import build-request : expand_no_defaults : build-request.expand_no_defaults ;
### import errors : try catch ;
### import feature : feature subfeature ;
### feature toolset : gcc msvc borland : implicit ;
### subfeature toolset gcc : version : 2.95.2 2.95.3 2.95.4
### 3.0 3.0.1 3.0.2 : optional ;
### feature variant : debug release : implicit composite ;
### feature inlining : on off ;
### feature "include" : : free ;
### feature stdlib : native stlport : implicit ;
### feature runtime-link : dynamic static : symmetric ;
### local r ;
### r = [ build-request.from-command-line bjam debug runtime-link=dynamic ] ;
### assert.equal [ $(r).get-at 1 ] : ;
### assert.equal [ $(r).get-at 2 ] : debug <runtime-link>dynamic ;
### try ;
### {
### build-request.from-command-line bjam gcc/debug runtime-link=dynamic/static ;
### }
### catch \"static\" is not a value of an implicit feature ;
### r = [ build-request.from-command-line bjam -d2 --debug debug target runtime-link=dynamic ] ;
### assert.equal [ $(r).get-at 1 ] : target ;
### assert.equal [ $(r).get-at 2 ] : debug <runtime-link>dynamic ;
### r = [ build-request.from-command-line bjam debug runtime-link=dynamic,static ] ;
### assert.equal [ $(r).get-at 1 ] : ;
### assert.equal [ $(r).get-at 2 ] : debug <runtime-link>dynamic <runtime-link>static ;
### r = [ build-request.from-command-line bjam debug gcc/runtime-link=dynamic,static ] ;
### assert.equal [ $(r).get-at 1 ] : ;
### assert.equal [ $(r).get-at 2 ] : debug gcc/<runtime-link>dynamic
### gcc/<runtime-link>static ;
### r = [ build-request.from-command-line bjam msvc gcc,borland/runtime-link=static ] ;
### assert.equal [ $(r).get-at 1 ] : ;
### assert.equal [ $(r).get-at 2 ] : msvc gcc/<runtime-link>static
### borland/<runtime-link>static ;
### r = [ build-request.from-command-line bjam gcc-3.0 ] ;
### assert.equal [ $(r).get-at 1 ] : ;
### assert.equal [ $(r).get-at 2 ] : gcc-3.0 ;
### feature.finish-test build-request-test-temp ;
### }