blob: e6f9d78b4b4b933fe314cca42c012a49c3c7baa7 [file] [log] [blame]
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) 2001 Jeremy Siek
// Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Gennaro Prota
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// -----------------------------------------------------------
#include "bitset_test.hpp"
#include "boost/dynamic_bitset/dynamic_bitset.hpp"
#include "boost/limits.hpp"
#include "boost/config.hpp"
#include "boost/detail/workaround.hpp"
#define BOOST_BITSET_TEST_COUNT(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
// Codewarrior 8.3 for Win fails without this.
// Thanks Howard Hinnant ;)
#if defined __MWERKS__ && BOOST_WORKAROUND(__MWERKS__, <= 0x3003) // 8.x
# pragma parse_func_templ off
template <typename Tests, typename String>
void run_string_tests(const String& s
const std::size_t len = s.length();
const std::size_t step = len/4 ? len/4 : 1;
// bitset length determined by the string-related arguments
std::size_t i;
for (i = 0; i <= len/2 ; i += step) {
Tests::from_string(s, i, len/2); // len/2 - i bits
Tests::from_string(s, i, len); // len - i bits
Tests::from_string(s, i, 1 + len*2); // len - i bits
// bitset length explicitly specified
for (i = 0; i <= len/2; i += step) {
for (std::size_t sz = 0; sz <= len*4; sz+= step*2) {
Tests::from_string(s, i, len/2, sz);
Tests::from_string(s, i, len, sz);
Tests::from_string(s, i, 1 + len*2, sz);
// tests the do-the-right-thing constructor dispatch
template <typename Tests, typename T>
void run_numeric_ctor_tests( BOOST_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_TYPE(Tests)
const int bits_per_block = Tests::bits_per_block;
const int width = std::numeric_limits<T>::digits;
const T ma = (std::numeric_limits<T>::max)();
const T mi = (std::numeric_limits<T>::min)();
int sizes[] = {
0, 7*width/10, width, 13*width/10, 3*width,
7*bits_per_block/10, bits_per_block, 13*bits_per_block/10, 3*bits_per_block
const T numbers[] = {
T(-1), T(-3), T(-8), T(-15), T(mi/2), T(mi),
T(0), T(1), T(3), T(8), T(15), T(ma/2), T(ma)
for (std::size_t s = 0; s < BOOST_BITSET_TEST_COUNT(sizes); ++s) {
for (std::size_t n = 0; n < BOOST_BITSET_TEST_COUNT(numbers); ++n ) {
// can match ctor from ulong or templated one
Tests::from_unsigned_long(sizes[s], numbers[n]);
typedef std::size_t compare_type;
const compare_type sz = sizes[s];
// this condition is to be sure that size is representable in T, so
// that for signed T's we avoid implementation-defined behavior [if ma
// is larger than what std::size_t can hold then this is ok for our
// purposes: our sizes are anyhow < max(size_t)], which in turn could
// make the first argument of from_unsigned_long() a small negative,
// later converted to a very large unsigned. Example: signed 8-bit
// char (CHAR_MAX=127), bits_per_block=64, sz = 192 > 127.
const bool fits =
sz <= static_cast<compare_type>(ma);
if (fits) {
// can match templated ctor only (so we test dispatching)
Tests::from_unsigned_long(static_cast<T>(sizes[s]), numbers[n]);
template <typename Block>
void run_test_cases( BOOST_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_TYPE(Block) )
typedef boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> bitset_type;
typedef bitset_test<bitset_type> Tests;
const int bits_per_block = bitset_type::bits_per_block;
const std::string long_string = get_long_string();
const Block all_1s = static_cast<Block>(-1);
// Test construction from unsigned long
typedef typename bitset_type::size_type size_type;
// NOTE:
// 1. keep this in sync with the numeric types supported
// for constructor dispatch (of course)
// 2. bool is tested separately; ugly and inelegant, but
// we don't have much time to think of a better solution
// which is likely to work on broken compilers
const int sizes[] = {
0, 1, 3,
7*bits_per_block/10, bits_per_block, 13*bits_per_block/10, 3*bits_per_block
const bool values[] = { false, true };
for (std::size_t s = 0; s < BOOST_BITSET_TEST_COUNT(sizes); ++s) {
for (std::size_t v = 0; v < BOOST_BITSET_TEST_COUNT(values); ++v) {
Tests::from_unsigned_long(sizes[s], values[v]);
Tests::from_unsigned_long(sizes[s] != 0, values[v]);
run_numeric_ctor_tests<Tests, char>();
run_numeric_ctor_tests<Tests, wchar_t>();
run_numeric_ctor_tests<Tests, signed char>();
run_numeric_ctor_tests<Tests, short int>();
run_numeric_ctor_tests<Tests, int>();
run_numeric_ctor_tests<Tests, long int>();
run_numeric_ctor_tests<Tests, unsigned char>();
run_numeric_ctor_tests<Tests, unsigned short>();
run_numeric_ctor_tests<Tests, unsigned int>();
run_numeric_ctor_tests<Tests, unsigned long>();
#if defined(BOOST_HAS_LONG_LONG)
run_numeric_ctor_tests<Tests, ::boost::long_long_type>();
run_numeric_ctor_tests<Tests, ::boost::ulong_long_type>();
// Test construction from a string
run_string_tests<Tests>(std::string("")); // empty string
# if !defined BOOST_NO_STD_WSTRING
// I need to decide what to do for non "C" locales here. On
// one hand I should have better tests. On the other one
// I don't want tests for dynamic_bitset to cope with locales,
// ctype::widen, etc. (but that's what you deserve when you
// don't separate concerns at the library level)
# endif
// Note that these are _valid_ arguments
Tests::from_string(std::string("x11y"), 1, 2);
Tests::from_string(std::string("x11"), 1, 10);
Tests::from_string(std::string("x11"), 1, 10, 10);
// test from_block_range
std::vector<Block> blocks;
std::vector<Block> blocks(3);
blocks[0] = static_cast<Block>(0);
blocks[1] = static_cast<Block>(1);
blocks[2] = all_1s;
const unsigned int n = (std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max)();
std::vector<Block> blocks(n);
for (typename std::vector<Block>::size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i)
blocks[i] = static_cast<Block>(i);
// test to_block_range
bitset_type b;
bitset_type b(1, 1ul);
bitset_type b(long_string);
// Test copy constructor
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b;
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(std::string("0"));
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string);
// Test assignment operator
bitset_type a, b;
Tests::assignment_operator(a, b);
bitset_type a(std::string("1")), b(std::string("0"));
Tests::assignment_operator(a, b);
bitset_type a(long_string), b(long_string);
Tests::assignment_operator(a, b);
bitset_type a;
bitset_type b(long_string); // b greater than a, a empty
Tests::assignment_operator(a, b);
bitset_type a(std::string("0"));
bitset_type b(long_string); // b greater than a
Tests::assignment_operator(a, b);
// Test swap
bitset_type a;
bitset_type b(std::string("1"));
Tests::swap(a, b);
Tests::swap(b, a);
Tests::swap(a, a);
bitset_type a;
bitset_type b(long_string);
Tests::swap(a, b);
Tests::swap(b, a);
bitset_type a(std::string("0"));
bitset_type b(long_string);
Tests::swap(a, b);
Tests::swap(b, a);
Tests::swap(a, a);
Tests::swap(b, b);
// Test resize
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a;
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a(std::string("0"));
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a(std::string("1"));
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a(long_string);
// Test clear
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a;
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a(long_string);
// Test append bit
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a;
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a(std::string("0"));
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a(std::string("1"));
const int size_to_fill_all_blocks = 4 * bits_per_block;
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a(size_to_fill_all_blocks, 255ul);
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a(long_string);
// Test append block
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a;
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a(std::string("0"));
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a(std::string("1"));
const int size_to_fill_all_blocks = 4 * bits_per_block;
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a(size_to_fill_all_blocks, 15ul);
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a(long_string);
// Test append block range
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a;
std::vector<Block> blocks;
Tests::append_block_range(a, blocks);
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a(std::string("0"));
std::vector<Block> blocks(3);
blocks[0] = static_cast<Block>(0);
blocks[1] = static_cast<Block>(1);
blocks[2] = all_1s;
Tests::append_block_range(a, blocks);
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a(std::string("1"));
const unsigned int n = (std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max)();
std::vector<Block> blocks(n);
for (typename std::vector<Block>::size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i)
blocks[i] = static_cast<Block>(i);
Tests::append_block_range(a, blocks);
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a;
Block x[] = {3, 4, 5};
std::size_t sz = sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]);
std::vector<Block> blocks(x, x + sz);
Tests::append_block_range(a, blocks);
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> a(long_string);
std::vector<Block> blocks(3);
blocks[0] = static_cast<Block>(0);
blocks[1] = static_cast<Block>(1);
blocks[2] = all_1s;
Tests::append_block_range(a, blocks);
// Test bracket operator
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b1;
std::vector<bool> bitvec1;
Tests::operator_bracket(b1, bitvec1);
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(std::string("1"));
std::vector<bool> bit_vec(1, true);
Tests::operator_bracket(b, bit_vec);
boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string);
std::size_t n = long_string.size();
std::vector<bool> bit_vec(n);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
bit_vec[i] = long_string[n - 1 - i] == '0' ? 0 : 1;
Tests::operator_bracket(b, bit_vec);
test_main(int, char*[])
run_test_cases<unsigned char>();
run_test_cases<unsigned short>();
run_test_cases<unsigned int>();
run_test_cases<unsigned long>();
run_test_cases< ::boost::ulong_long_type>();
# endif
return 0;