blob: ddb3394c0110cfda429db48fcea40d4cb25ce895 [file] [log] [blame]
// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
// Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <cstddef>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/range.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/ring_identifier.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace geometry
namespace detail { namespace overlay
template<typename Turn>
struct meta_turn
int index;
Turn const* turn;
bool handled[2];
inline meta_turn(int i, Turn const& t)
: index(i), turn(&t)
handled[0] = false;
handled[1] = false;
template <typename MetaTurn>
inline void display(MetaTurn const& meta_turn, std::string const& reason = "")
std::cout << meta_turn.index
<< "\tMethods: " << method_char(meta_turn.turn->method)
<< " operations: " << operation_char(meta_turn.turn->operations[0].operation)
<< operation_char(meta_turn.turn->operations[1].operation)
<< " travels to " << meta_turn.turn->operations[0].enriched.travels_to_ip_index
<< " and " << meta_turn.turn->operations[1].enriched.travels_to_ip_index
//<< " -> " << op_index
<< " " << reason
<< std::endl;
template <typename MetaTurns, typename MetaTurn>
inline void check_detailed(MetaTurns& meta_turns, MetaTurn const& meta_turn,
int op_index, int cycle, int start, operation_type for_operation,
bool& error)
int const ip_index = meta_turn.turn->operations[op_index].enriched.travels_to_ip_index;
if (ip_index >= 0)
bool found = false;
if (ip_index == start)
display(meta_turns[ip_index], " FINISH");
// check on continuing, or on same-operation-on-same-geometry
if (! meta_turns[ip_index].handled[op_index]
&& (meta_turns[ip_index].turn->operations[op_index].operation == operation_continue
|| meta_turns[ip_index].turn->operations[op_index].operation == for_operation)
meta_turns[ip_index].handled[op_index] = true;
check_detailed(meta_turns, meta_turns[ip_index], op_index, cycle, start, for_operation, error);
found = true;
// check on other geometry
if (! found)
int const other_index = 1 - op_index;
if (! meta_turns[ip_index].handled[other_index]
&& meta_turns[ip_index].turn->operations[other_index].operation == for_operation)
meta_turns[ip_index].handled[other_index] = true;
check_detailed(meta_turns, meta_turns[ip_index], other_index, cycle, start, for_operation, error);
found = true;
if (! found)
display(meta_turns[ip_index], " STOP");
error = true;
//std::cout << " STOP";
template <typename TurnPoints>
inline bool check_graph(TurnPoints& turn_points, operation_type for_operation)
typedef typename boost::range_value<TurnPoints>::type turn_point_type;
bool error = false;
int index = 0;
std::vector<meta_turn<turn_point_type> > meta_turns;
for (typename boost::range_iterator<TurnPoints const>::type
it = boost::begin(turn_points);
it != boost::end(turn_points);
++it, ++index)
meta_turns.push_back(meta_turn<turn_point_type>(index, *it));
int cycle = 0;
for (typename boost::range_iterator<std::vector<meta_turn<turn_point_type> > > ::type
it = boost::begin(meta_turns);
it != boost::end(meta_turns);
if (! (it->turn->blocked() || it->turn->is_discarded()))
for (int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++)
if (! it->handled[i]
&& it->turn->operations[i].operation == for_operation)
std::cout << "CYCLE " << cycle << std::endl;
it->handled[i] = true;
check_detailed(meta_turns, *it, i, cycle++, it->index, for_operation, error);
std::cout <<" END CYCLE " << it->index << std::endl;
return error;
}} // namespace detail::overlay
}} // namespace boost::geometry