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Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Joel de Guzman
Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser
Copyright (C) 2011 Thomas Bernard
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[section:kwd Qi Keyword Parser Directive ]
[heading Description]
The `kwd[]` and `ikwd[]` provide a powerful and flexible mechanism for parsing keyword
based input. It works in conjuction with the / operator to create an effective
keyword parsing loop. The keyword parsing loop doesn't require the
keywords to appear in a defined order in the input but also provides the possibility
to check how many times a keyword appears in the input.
The kwd directive will parse the keywords respecting case sensitivity whereas the ikwd
direcive is case insensitive. You can mix the kwd and ikwd directives inside a set of
keywords, but be aware that this has a small overhead. It should be prefered not to
mix the kwd and ikwd directives.
The kwd directive is very similar to the repeat directive in that it enables to enforce
keyword occurence constraints but also provides very interesting speed improvement
over the pure EBNF syntax or the Nabialek-Trick.
[heading Header]
// forwards to <boost/spirit/repository/home/qi/directive/kwd.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/repository/include/qi_kwd.hpp>
[heading Synopsis]
[[Expression] [Semantics]]
[[`kwd(keyword)[subject]`] [Parse ( `"keyword"` > `subject`) zero or more times.]]
[[`kwd(keyword,n)[subject]`] [Parse ( `"keyword"` > `subject`) exactly `n` times.]]
[[`kwd(keyword,min, max)[subject]`] [Parse ( `"keyword"` > `subject`) at least `min` times and at most `max` times.]]
[[`kwd(keyword,min, inf)[subject]`] [Parse ( `"keyword"` > `subject`) at least `min` or more. ]]
For non case sensitive keywords use the ikwd directive.
[heading Parameters]
[[Parameter] [Description]]
[[`keyword`] [The parser for the opening (the prefix).]]
[[`subject`] [The parser for the input sequence following the keyword part.]]
[[`n`] [Int representing the exact number of times the keyword must be repeated.]]
[[`min`] [Int representing the minimum number of times the keyword must be repeated.]]
[[`max`] [Int representing the maximum number of times the keyword must be repeated.]]
All three parameters can be arbitrarily complex parsers themselves.
[heading Attributes]
[[Expression] [Attribute]]
[``a: A --> kwd(k1)[a]: optional<A> or vector<A>
a: Unused --> kwd(k1)[a]: Unused``]]
[``a: A --> kwd(k1,n)[a]: optional<A> or vector<A>
a: Unused --> kwd(k1,n)[a]: Unused``]]
[[`kwd(k1,min, max)[a]`]
[``a: A --> kwd(k1,min, max)[a]: optional<A> or vector<A>
a: Unused --> kwd(k1,min, max)[a]: Unused``]]
[[`kwd(k1,min, inf)[a]`]
[``a: A --> kwd(k1,min, inf)[a]: optional<A> or vector<A>
a: Unused --> kwd(k1,min, inf)[a]: Unused``]]
[heading Complexity]
[:The overall complexity is defined by the complexity of its subject
parser. The complexity of the keyword list construct `kwd` itself is O(N), where N is the number
of repetitions executed.
The complexity of the keyword list itself determined by the complexity of the internal TST contents :
O(log n+k)
Where k is the length of the string to be searched in a TST with n strings.
[heading Example]
Please refer to keyword_list.