blob: e4716849670f9f5913f569e3f3254e7997210dc1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
// Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <string>
#include <geometry_test_common.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/distance.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/domains/gis/io/wkt/read_wkt.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/strategies/strategies.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/multi/algorithms/distance.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/multi/geometries/multi_point.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/multi/geometries/multi_linestring.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/multi/geometries/multi_polygon.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/domains/gis/io/wkt/read_wkt_multi.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/point_xy.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/adapted/c_array.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/adapted/boost_tuple.hpp>
#include <test_common/test_point.hpp>
template <typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2>
void test_distance(std::string const& wkt1, std::string const& wkt2, double expected)
Geometry1 g1;
Geometry2 g2;
bg::read_wkt(wkt1, g1);
bg::read_wkt(wkt2, g2);
typename bg::default_distance_result<Geometry1, Geometry2>::type d = bg::distance(g1, g2);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(d, expected, 0.0001);
template <typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename Strategy>
void test_distance(Strategy const& strategy, std::string const& wkt1,
std::string const& wkt2, double expected)
Geometry1 g1;
Geometry2 g2;
bg::read_wkt(wkt1, g1);
bg::read_wkt(wkt2, g2);
typename bg::default_distance_result<Geometry1, Geometry2>::type d = bg::distance(g1, g2, strategy);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(d, expected, 0.0001);
template <typename P>
void test_2d()
typedef bg::model::multi_point<P> mp;
typedef bg::model::multi_linestring<bg::model::linestring<P> > ml;
test_distance<P, P>("POINT(0 0)", "POINT(1 1)", sqrt(2.0));
test_distance<P, mp>("POINT(0 0)", "MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", 1.0);
test_distance<mp, P>("MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", "POINT(0 0)", 1.0);
test_distance<mp, mp>("MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", "MULTIPOINT((2 2),(2 3))", sqrt(2.0));
test_distance<P, ml>("POINT(0 0)", "MULTILINESTRING((1 1,2 2),(1 0,2 0),(0 2,0 3))", 1.0);
test_distance<ml, P>("MULTILINESTRING((1 1,2 2),(1 0,2 0),(0 2,0 3))", "POINT(0 0)", 1.0);
test_distance<ml, mp>("MULTILINESTRING((1 1,2 2),(1 0,2 0),(0 2,0 3))", "MULTIPOINT((0 0),(1 1))", 0.0);
// Test with a strategy
bg::strategy::distance::pythagoras<P, P> pyth;
test_distance<P, P>(pyth, "POINT(0 0)", "POINT(1 1)", sqrt(2.0));
test_distance<P, mp>(pyth, "POINT(0 0)", "MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", 1.0);
test_distance<mp, P>(pyth, "MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", "POINT(0 0)", 1.0);
template <typename P>
void test_3d()
typedef bg::model::multi_point<P> mp;
test_distance<P, P>("POINT(0 0 0)", "POINT(1 1 1)", sqrt(3.0));
test_distance<P, mp>("POINT(0 0 0)", "MULTIPOINT((1 1 1),(1 0 0),(0 1 2))", 1.0);
test_distance<mp, mp>("MULTIPOINT((1 1 1),(1 0 0),(0 0 2))", "MULTIPOINT((2 2 2),(2 3 4))", sqrt(3.0));
template <typename P1, typename P2>
void test_mixed()
typedef bg::model::multi_point<P1> mp1;
typedef bg::model::multi_point<P2> mp2;
test_distance<P1, P2>("POINT(0 0)", "POINT(1 1)", sqrt(2.0));
test_distance<P1, mp1>("POINT(0 0)", "MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", 1.0);
test_distance<P1, mp2>("POINT(0 0)", "MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", 1.0);
test_distance<P2, mp1>("POINT(0 0)", "MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", 1.0);
test_distance<P2, mp2>("POINT(0 0)", "MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", 1.0);
// Test automatic reversal
test_distance<mp1, P1>("MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", "POINT(0 0)", 1.0);
test_distance<mp1, P2>("MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", "POINT(0 0)", 1.0);
test_distance<mp2, P1>("MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", "POINT(0 0)", 1.0);
test_distance<mp2, P2>("MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", "POINT(0 0)", 1.0);
// Test multi-multi using different point types for each
test_distance<mp1, mp2>("MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", "MULTIPOINT((2 2),(2 3))", sqrt(2.0));
// Test with a strategy
using namespace bg::strategy::distance;
test_distance<P1, P2>(pythagoras<P1, P2>(), "POINT(0 0)", "POINT(1 1)", sqrt(2.0));
test_distance<P1, mp1>(pythagoras<P1, P1>(), "POINT(0 0)", "MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", 1.0);
test_distance<P1, mp2>(pythagoras<P1, P2>(), "POINT(0 0)", "MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", 1.0);
test_distance<P2, mp1>(pythagoras<P2, P1>(), "POINT(0 0)", "MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", 1.0);
test_distance<P2, mp2>(pythagoras<P2, P2>(), "POINT(0 0)", "MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", 1.0);
// Most interesting: reversal AND a strategy (note that the stategy must be reversed automatically
test_distance<mp1, P1>(pythagoras<P1, P1>(), "MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", "POINT(0 0)", 1.0);
test_distance<mp1, P2>(pythagoras<P1, P2>(), "MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", "POINT(0 0)", 1.0);
test_distance<mp2, P1>(pythagoras<P2, P1>(), "MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", "POINT(0 0)", 1.0);
test_distance<mp2, P2>(pythagoras<P2, P2>(), "MULTIPOINT((1 1),(1 0),(0 2))", "POINT(0 0)", 1.0);
int test_main( int , char* [] )
test_2d<boost::tuple<float, float> >();
test_2d<bg::model::d2::point_xy<float> >();
test_2d<bg::model::d2::point_xy<double> >();
test_3d<boost::tuple<float, float, float> >();
test_3d<bg::model::point<double, 3, bg::cs::cartesian> >();
test_mixed<bg::model::d2::point_xy<float>, bg::model::d2::point_xy<double> >();
test_2d<bg::model::d2::point_xy<ttmath_big> >();
test_mixed<bg::model::d2::point_xy<ttmath_big>, bg::model::d2::point_xy<double> >();
return 0;