blob: b72f15be8a7a1675660ea5355d5fbb643eb11f6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
// Unit Test
// Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
// Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Mateusz Loskot, London, UK.
// Parts of Boost.Geometry are redesigned from Geodan's Geographic Library
// (geolib/GGL), copyright (c) 1995-2010 Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
//#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <geometry_test_common.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/area.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/length.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/num_points.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/perimeter.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/strategies/strategies.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/point_type.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/core/topological_dimension.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/domains/gis/io/wkt/read_wkt.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/domains/gis/io/wkt/write_wkt.hpp>
template <typename G>
void test_wkt(std::string const& wkt, std::size_t n, double len = 0,
double ar = 0, double peri = 0)
G geometry;
bg::read_wkt(wkt, geometry);
std::cout << "n=" << bg::num_points(geometry)
<< " dim=" << bg::topological_dimension<G>::value
<< " length=" << bg::length(geometry)
<< " area=" << bg::area(geometry)
<< " perimeter=" << bg::perimeter(geometry)
<< std::endl << "\t\tgeometry=" << dsv(geometry)
<< std::endl;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bg::num_points(geometry), n);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(double(bg::length(geometry)), len, 0.0001);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(double(bg::area(geometry)), ar, 0.0001);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(double(bg::perimeter(geometry)), peri, 0.0001);
// String comparison: only for int/double/float etc
// GMP/CLN add +e01, L0, etc
if (boost::is_fundamental
typename bg::coordinate_type<G>::type
std::ostringstream out;
out << bg::wkt(geometry);
template <typename G>
void test_relaxed_wkt(std::string const& wkt, std::string const& expected)
if (boost::is_fundamental
typename bg::coordinate_type<G>::type
std::string e;
G geometry;
bg::read_wkt(wkt, geometry);
std::ostringstream out;
out << bg::wkt(geometry);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(boost::to_upper_copy(out.str()), boost::to_upper_copy(expected));
template <typename G>
void test_wrong_wkt(std::string const& wkt, std::string const& start)
std::string e("no exception");
G geometry;
bg::read_wkt(wkt, geometry);
catch(bg::read_wkt_exception const& ex)
e = ex.what();
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(boost::starts_with(e, start), " Expected:"
<< start << " Got:" << e << " with WKT: " << wkt);
template <typename G>
void test_wkt_output_iterator(std::string const& wkt)
G geometry;
bg::read_wkt<G>(wkt, std::back_inserter(geometry));
template <typename T>
void test_all()
using namespace boost::geometry;
typedef bg::model::point<T, 2, bg::cs::cartesian> P;
test_wkt<P >("POINT(1 2)", 1);
test_wkt<bg::model::linestring<P> >("LINESTRING(1 1,2 2,3 3)", 3, 2 * sqrt(2.0));
test_wkt<bg::model::polygon<P> >("POLYGON((0 0,0 4,4 4,4 0,0 0)"
",(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1))", 15, 0, 18, 24);
// Non OGC: a box defined by a polygon
//test_wkt<box<P> >("POLYGON((0 0,0 1,1 1,1 0,0 0))", 4, 0, 1, 4);
test_wkt<bg::model::ring<P> >("POLYGON((0 0,0 1,1 1,1 0,0 0))", 5, 0, 1, 4);
// We accept empty sequences as well (much better than EMPTY)...
// ...or even POINT() (see below)
test_wkt<bg::model::linestring<P> >("LINESTRING()", 0, 0);
test_wkt<bg::model::polygon<P> >("POLYGON(())", 0);
// ... or even with empty holes
test_wkt<bg::model::polygon<P> >("POLYGON((),(),())", 0);
// which all make no valid geometries, but they can exist.
// These WKT's are incomplete or abnormal but they are considered OK
test_relaxed_wkt<P>("POINT(1)", "POINT(1 0)");
test_relaxed_wkt<P>("POINT()", "POINT(0 0)");
test_relaxed_wkt<bg::model::linestring<P> >("LINESTRING(1,2,3)",
"LINESTRING(1 0,2 0,3 0)");
test_relaxed_wkt<P>("POINT ( 1 2) ", "POINT(1 2)");
test_relaxed_wkt<P>("POINT M ( 1 2)", "POINT(1 2)");
test_relaxed_wkt<bg::model::box<P> >("BOX(1 1,2 2)", "POLYGON((1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1))");
test_relaxed_wkt<bg::model::linestring<P> >("LINESTRING EMPTY", "LINESTRING()");
test_relaxed_wkt<bg::model::polygon<P> >("POLYGON( ( ) , ( ) , ( ) )",
// Wrong WKT's
test_wrong_wkt<P>("POINT(1 2", "expected ')'");
test_wrong_wkt<P>("POINT 1 2)", "expected '('");
test_wrong_wkt<P>("POINT(1 2,)", "expected ')'");
test_wrong_wkt<P>("POINT(1 2)foo", "too much tokens at 'foo'");
test_wrong_wkt<P>("POINT(1 2 3)", "expected ')'");
test_wrong_wkt<P>("POINT(a 2 3)", "bad lexical cast");
test_wrong_wkt<P>("POINT 2 3", "expected '('");
test_wrong_wkt<P>("POINT Z (1 2 3)", "z only allowed");
test_wrong_wkt<P>("PIONT (1 2)", "should start with 'point'");
test_wrong_wkt<bg::model::linestring<P> >("LINESTRING())", "too much tokens");
test_wrong_wkt<bg::model::polygon<P> >("POLYGON((1 1,1 4,4 4,4 1,1 1)"
",((2 2,2 3,3 3,3 2,2 2))", "bad lexical cast");
test_wrong_wkt<bg::model::box<P> >("BOX(1 1,2 2,3 3)", "box should have 2");
test_wrong_wkt<bg::model::box<P> >("BOX(1 1,2 2) )", "too much tokens");
if (boost::is_floating_point<T>::type::value
|| ! boost::is_fundamental<T>::type::value)
test_wkt<P>("POINT(1.1 2.1)", 1);
// Deprecated:
// test_wkt_output_iterator<bg::model::linestring<P> >("LINESTRING(1 1,2 2,3 3)");
// test_wkt_output_iterator<bg::model::ring<P> >("POLYGON((1 1,2 2,3 3))");
int test_main(int, char* [])
#if defined(HAVE_TTMATH)
return 0;
Results can be checked in PostGIS by query below,
or by MySQL (but replace length by glength and remove the perimeter)
- PostGIS gives "3" for a numpoints of a multi-linestring of 6 points in total (!)
--> "npoints" should be taken for all geometries
- SQL Server 2008 gives "6"
select geometry::STGeomFromText('MULTILINESTRING((1 1,2 2,3 3),(4 4,5 5,6 6))',0).STNumPoints()
- MySQL gives "NULL"
select 1 as code,'np p' as header,npoints(geomfromtext('POINT(1 2)')) as contents
union select 2,'length point', length(geomfromtext('POINT(1 2)'))
union select 3,'peri point', perimeter(geomfromtext('POINT(1 2)'))
union select 4,'area point',area(geomfromtext('POINT(1 2)'))
union select 5,'# ls',npoints(geomfromtext('LINESTRING(1 1,2 2,3 3)'))
union select 6,'length ls',length(geomfromtext('LINESTRING(1 1,2 2,3 3)'))
union select 7,'peri ls',perimeter(geomfromtext('LINESTRING(1 1,2 2,3 3)'))
union select 8,'aera ls',area(geomfromtext('LINESTRING(1 1,2 2,3 3)'))
union select 9,'# poly',npoints(geomfromtext('POLYGON((0 0,0 4,4 4,4 0,0 0),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1))'))
union select 10,'length poly',length(geomfromtext('POLYGON((0 0,0 4,4 4,4 0,0 0),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1))'))
union select 11,'peri poly',perimeter(geomfromtext('POLYGON((0 0,0 4,4 4,4 0,0 0),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1))'))
union select 12,'area poly',area(geomfromtext('POLYGON((0 0,0 4,4 4,4 0,0 0),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1))'))