blob: 903cb5b4a6a52e20ce9f035f450c4e088eb502cb [file] [log] [blame]
/** A parser for a stream of tree nodes. "tree grammars" result in a subclass
* of this. All the error reporting and recovery is shared with Parser via
* the BaseRecognizer superclass.
org.antlr.runtime.tree.TreeParser = function(input) {, arguments[1]);
var TP = org.antlr.runtime.tree.TreeParser;
org.antlr.lang.augmentObject(TP, {
DOWN: org.antlr.runtime.Token.DOWN,
UP: org.antlr.runtime.Token.UP
org.antlr.lang.extend(TP, org.antlr.runtime.BaseRecognizer, {
reset: function() {; // reset all recognizer state variables
if ( this.input ) {; // rewind the input
/** Set the input stream */
setTreeNodeStream: function(input) {
this.input = input;
getTreeNodeStream: function() {
return this.input;
getSourceName: function() {
return this.input.getSourceName();
getCurrentInputSymbol: function(input) {
return input.LT(1);
getMissingSymbol: function(input, e, expectedTokenType, follow) {
var tokenText =
"<missing "+this.getTokenNames()[expectedTokenType]+">";
return new org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree(new org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken(expectedTokenType, tokenText));
/** Match '.' in tree parser has special meaning. Skip node or
* entire tree if node has children. If children, scan until
* corresponding UP node.
matchAny: function(ignore) { // ignore stream, copy of this.input
this.state.errorRecovery = false;
this.state.failed = false;
var look = this.input.LT(1);
if ( this.input.getTreeAdaptor().getChildCount(look)===0 ) {
this.input.consume(); // not subtree, consume 1 node and return
// current node is a subtree, skip to corresponding UP.
// must count nesting level to get right UP
var level=0,
tokenType = this.input.getTreeAdaptor().getType(look);
while ( tokenType!==org.antlr.runtime.Token.EOF &&
!(tokenType===TP.UP && level===0) )
look = this.input.LT(1);
tokenType = this.input.getTreeAdaptor().getType(look);
if ( tokenType === TP.DOWN ) {
else if ( tokenType === TP.UP ) {
this.input.consume(); // consume UP
/** We have DOWN/UP nodes in the stream that have no line info; override.
* plus we want to alter the exception type. Don't try to recover
* * from tree parser errors inline...
mismatch: function(input, ttype, follow) {
throw new org.antlr.runtime.MismatchedTreeNodeException(ttype, input);
/** Prefix error message with the grammar name because message is
* always intended for the programmer because the parser built
* the input tree not the user.
getErrorHeader: function(e) {
return this.getGrammarFileName()+": node from "+
(e.approximateLineInfo?"after ":"")+"line "+e.line+":"+e.charPositionInLine;
/** Tree parsers parse nodes they usually have a token object as
* payload. Set the exception token and do the default behavior.
getErrorMessage: function(e, tokenNames) {
var adaptor;
if ( this instanceof TP ) {
adaptor = e.input.getTreeAdaptor();
e.token = adaptor.getToken(e.node);
if ( !org.antlr.lang.isValue(e.token) ) { // could be an UP/DOWN node
e.token = new org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken(
return, e, tokenNames);
traceIn: function(ruleName, ruleIndex) {, ruleName, ruleIndex, this.input.LT(1));
traceOut: function(ruleName, ruleIndex) {, ruleName, ruleIndex, this.input.LT(1));