blob: cd00ca0a04fa6fe0d96748b34c4cbb76bca51335 [file] [log] [blame]
/** A TreeAdaptor that works with any Tree implementation. It provides
* really just factory methods; all the work is done by BaseTreeAdaptor.
* If you would like to have different tokens created than ClassicToken
* objects, you need to override this and then set the parser tree adaptor to
* use your subclass.
* To get your parser to build nodes of a different type, override
* create(Token).
org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTreeAdaptor = function() {};
org.antlr.runtime.tree.BaseTreeAdaptor, {
/** Duplicate a node. This is part of the factory;
* override if you want another kind of node to be built.
* I could use reflection to prevent having to override this
* but reflection is slow.
dupNode: function(t) {
if ( !org.antlr.lang.isValue(t) ) {
return null;
return t.dupNode();
create: function(payload) {
if (arguments.length>1) {
return org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTreeAdaptor.superclass.create.apply(this, arguments);
return new org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree(payload);
/** Tell me how to create a token for use with imaginary token nodes.
* For example, there is probably no input symbol associated with imaginary
* token DECL, but you need to create it as a payload or whatever for
* the DECL node as in ^(DECL type ID).
* If you care what the token payload objects' type is, you should
* override this method and any other createToken variant.
* Tell me how to create a token for use with imaginary token nodes.
* For example, there is probably no input symbol associated with imaginary
* token DECL, but you need to create it as a payload or whatever for
* the DECL node as in ^(DECL type ID).
* This is a variant of createToken where the new token is derived from
* an actual real input token. Typically this is for converting '{'
* tokens to BLOCK etc... You'll see
* r : lc='{' ID+ '}' -> ^(BLOCK[$lc] ID+) ;
* If you care what the token payload objects' type is, you should
* override this method and any other createToken variant.
createToken: function(fromToken) {
if (arguments.length===2) {
return new org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
} else {
return new org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken(arguments[0]);
/** Track start/stop token for subtree root created for a rule.
* Only works with Tree nodes. For rules that match nothing,
* seems like this will yield start=i and stop=i-1 in a nil node.
* Might be useful info so I'll not force to be i..i.
setTokenBoundaries: function(t, startToken, stopToken) {
if ( !org.antlr.lang.isValue(t) ) {
var start = 0,
stop = 0;
if ( org.antlr.lang.isValue(startToken) ) {
if (startToken.getTokenIndex) {
start = startToken.getTokenIndex();
} else if (startToken.getStartIndex) {
start = startToken.getStartIndex();
} else {
start = startToken.getTokenStartIndex();
if ( org.antlr.lang.isValue(stopToken) ) {
if (stop.getTokenIndex) {
stop = stopToken.getTokenIndex();
} else if (stopToken.getStopIndex) {
stop = stopToken.getStopIndex();
} else {
stop = stopToken.getTokenStopIndex();
getTokenStartIndex: function(t) {
if (!t) {
return -1;
return t.getTokenStartIndex();
getTokenStopIndex: function(t) {
if (!t) {
return -1;
return t.getTokenStopIndex();
getText: function(t) {
if (!t) {
return null;
return t.getText();
getType: function(t) {
if (!t) {
return org.antlr.runtime.Token.INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE;
return t.getType();
/** What is the Token associated with this node? If
* you are not using CommonTree, then you must
* override this in your own adaptor.
getToken: function(t) {
if ( t instanceof org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree ) {
return t.getToken();
return null; // no idea what to do
getChild: function(t, i) {
if (!t) {
return null;
return t.getChild(i);
getChildCount: function(t) {
if (!t) {
return 0;
return t.getChildCount();
getParent: function(t) {
return t.getParent();
setParent: function(t, parent) {
getChildIndex: function(t) {
return t.getChildIndex();
setChildIndex: function(t, index) {
replaceChildren: function(parent, startChildIndex, stopChildIndex, t) {
if ( parent ) {
parent.replaceChildren(startChildIndex, stopChildIndex, t);